Book our Private Woodland or Pond-side Hides
for a close up view…
Woodland and Pond Hides
Our small 5 acre woodland, Site of Special Scientific Interest, (SSSI), offers a relaxing and peaceful environment to just sit and be at one with nature. The woodland boasts the most majestic giant Hornbeam trees and Oaks. The atmosphere is enchanting and the light changes are spectacular. While at the Woodland, we will be on site. You will be escorted between hides, but you are free to use whichever hide you choose. (At some times of the year not all hides are available). We have 2 hides and one ' additional’ soft hide that you can choose to have placed where you feel you would like to ‘hide’. During your time, we will offer you refreshments. We do not wish to intrude, but we are there to make your visit as comfortable as possible. The hides are ideal for photography.
Profits made from ‘hide hire’, will be reinvested into maintaining and improving the status of the woodland.
“No matter how few possessions you own or how little money you have, loving wildlife and nature will make you rich beyond measure.”
― Paul Oxton
Hide 1
The Reflector hide lets you get a close up view. Special reflective windows, hide you from the wildlife, but allow you to take exceptional photographs or make you feel you are having an intimate encounter. Overlooking a pond, where birds bath, butterflies and dragonflies hover and animals come to drink. Feeding stations encourage visitors to come in close.
Seats two comfortably. 5 windows to view from, we can provide you with a heater to keep warm too!
Hide 2
Hide 2, is known as our Buzzard Hide, a ‘soft’ hide tucked under the trees amongst the bracken. This hide seats two and has windows on four sides. From this hide you can watch for squirrels, buzzards, deer, fox, as well as all the birds. Opposite the hide is a large tree stump, which we can place ‘feed’ in the hope we attract the Buzzards for you to see.
Hide 3
Hide 3, The Deer and Hare hide is set in the middle of the wood. Deer, hare and fox visit the newly dug pond to drink. The pond is still under construction and as yet has not ‘grown’ into the surroundings (work in progress). This hide is the least busy, but the walk through the woodland gives the opportunity to look for bugs/beetles and creepie crawlies, that love to hide in the fallen trees and vegetation. Great chance to use Macro photography. Of course there are still the woodland birds flitting about too. (this hide is not available from July to October 2022, due to coppicing) .
Pond-side Hides.
Along the edge of our Private Large Pond, we have set some soft collpasibe hides to watch for our regular visitors. If in luck The Kingfisher will call in to bathe and the Kestrels will have taken over the owl box to nest and bring up their young. Listen to the Nightingale and watch Dragonflies, Damsel-flies and Butterflies dart about amongst the wildflowers and Lillipads.
Come and sit quietly, enjoy the birdsong, the peace and tranquilty this area brings.
The Woodland and Pond make a great day out.
End your day with a curtesy glass of Fizz, by the Pond,