Come to East Anglia and enjoy the wildlife
Choose from the menu : we may be able to mix and match. We can’t combine all places in one day, so we will try and match what you want to see with what wildlife is available at the time.
Day 1 : PrivateWoodlands, Ponds or local Walks, Heaths and RSPB Reserves and Wildlife Trusts.
Bekkr Wood, near Shadingfield Suffolk is a Private SSSI Woodland and The Drift, Wenhaston is where our private ponds is located. Visit our own private woodland and large pond where a variety of hides give you great opportunity to get close up photos of our birds, butterflies, dragonflies, animals and creepy crawlies. This is a great day out. Peace and Tranquility. End your day with a glass of Fizz by our great Pond. Hide hire only is available for photographers or those who just want to sit and observe.
Or we can take you to a variety of RSPB + Suffolk Wildlife reserves in our local area, for example
Minsmere, https://www.rspb.org.uk/reserves-and-events/reserves-a-z/minsmere/
Dunwich, https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/dunwich-heath-and-beach
Westleton, https://www.birdguides.com/sites/europe/britain-ireland/britain/england/suffolk/westleton-heath/
Day 2 : Seabirds and Shorelines : Norfolk or Suffolk
If going to Norfolk ( an early start) we could Choose from :
Cley and Salthouse Marshes ; Norfolk Wildlife Trust https://www.norfolkwildlifetrust.org.uk/wildlife-in-norfolk/nature-reserves/reserves/cley-and-salthouse-marshes
Brancaster Staithe: https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/brancaster-estate/brancaster-staithe-harbour
Holkham Hall : https://www.holkham.co.uk/
Hickling Broad (Swallow Tail Butterflies in June /July) :https://www.norfolkwildlifetrust.org.uk/wildlife-in-norfolk/nature-reserves/reserves/hickling-broad-and-marshes
Horsey gap + Broad +Boat trip( in season) ( Seals+ Butterflies, birds) https://www.explorenorfolkuk.co.uk/horsey-beach.html
If staying in Suffolk, we could combine Sizewell, Dunwich, Southwold, with some of the Rivers and other local areas.
Day 3: Marshes and Fens
Redgrave and Lopham Marshes : https://www.suffolkwildlifetrust.org/redgrave
RIver Blythe : https://www.suffolkwildlifetrust.org/dinglemarshes
Hen Reed Beds/Southwold : https://www.suffolkwildlifetrust.org/henreedbeds
The Warren/Aldeburgh/Snape https://www.rspb.org.uk/reserves-and-events/reserves-a-z/snape
Boyton Marshes/Bawdsey/ Shingle Street/ Woodbridge https://www.rspb.org.uk/reserves-and-events/reserves-a-z/boyton-and-hollesley-marshes/